
“A Dynamic Journey to Vitality and Well-Being”

Mantahaa Tareen

Brings unparalleled expertise as a certified trainer from the renowned Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper Institute. Mantahaa leads our programs with expertise in nutrition, fitness, and mental wellness, working closely with your team to achieve comprehensive health goals. Mantahaa is the esteemed Wellness Brand Ambassador for top-tier companies including Jubilee Insurance, Nestle, and Sunridge, further solidifying her reputation as a leader in corporate wellness. 

Hassan Moeen

The visionary Founder of My Restful Mind, has built a formidable platform for mental health. Starting with a partnership with the University of Waterloo in Canada, Hassan has since then expanded his mission to deliver mental health services to corporate sectors across South Asia partnering with clients such as Friesland Campina.

data is crucial for the
success of the
program, so we will
collect data via our in house testing tools.

Once the data is collected, analyzed, and reviewed by a
panel of psychologists, we will submit a report for final suggestions for future wellness initiatives and trainings.

Customized training based on the gaps identified will be hosted both in person & online for the employees & work productivity checks will be done daily.

Nutrition and Fitness

An intervention plan is created to improve health and reduce corporate costs through nutrition, fitness, and stress management. Plans are customized based on body analysis, personality, and lifestyle, with motivational cues to boost participation.

Therapuetic Engangement

Employee Engagement Activities include Art-based activities such as Watercolor painting & Tote Bag Design.


  • Positive Work Culture
  • Productive Workforce
  • Reduced Stress at Work
  • Enhanced Creativity and Collaboration.

The Positive Impact of Mental Health


Client | In Therapy for 12 Weeks Reason: Decision -Making.


By investing in mental well-being, the company not only
supported her personal growth but also ensured that she
continued to lead with clarity, resilience, and innovation.

The ripple effect? Improved decision-making, enhanced leadership, and established clear goals for the team.


Client | In Therapy for 12 Weeks Reason: Divorce and Lack of Focus

After MB’s divorce, his spark seemed missing as he was grappling with personal challenges that had started to influence his performance at work.

Therapeutic Intervention: Recognizing the invaluable asset MB is, the company introduced personalized therapy sessions tailored to address his specific stressors and challenges, providing a confidential space for him to navigate both personal and professional hurdles.

"The sessions from Vitality have had a significant impact on our employees' focus and productivity.”
“Counseling services helped our employees manage stress and improve their emotional well-being, leading to improved focus at work”.

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+92 300 8451 550


